Podcasts to Paint to


I’ve been listening to podcasts since 2013. They’re one of my favourite forms of entertainment and education. But since the start of lockdown in April 2020, I’ve been listening to them more than ever. I listen on my morning walks and of course, whilst I paint. I find they help me find my rhythm whilst I’m working, and I’m prone to less distraction from other environmental nuisances - stuff like the neighbours phone ringing and leaf-blowers….those flippin’ leaf-blowers. They also entertain me and educate me whilst I work, it really is a win-win scenario. 

I know I’m not alone in my love for podcasts. Apple Podcasts (the service I use) hosts 1.68 millions podcasts (as of December 2020) with 18% of UK adults listening on a weekly basis.

So, here’s my current list of favourite podcasts to paint to, in no particular order. Oh, and I’m not being sponsored or getting anything for recommending them to you - I’m not popular enough for that kind of malarky!


The Blindboy Podcast

Remember that time I said “in no particular order”? I lied. I mention this one first for a reason. Don’t be put off by the plastic bag on his head. He’s one of the most intelligent, interesting people I’ve ever….well….listened to. His ‘hot takes’, mental health anecdotes and ‘podcast hugs’ keep me coming back time and time again. So much so that I’m proud to be a patron of his podcast via Patreon. I’ve especially learnt a lot about art, history, art history, politics and culture. I’ve also learnt a great deal about Irish history and British colonialism from him - 100% more in fact than I was taught at school in England. Funny huh? 


Twenty Thousand Hertz

Created and hosted by Dallas Taylor, this podcast is dedicated to sound, and I love it! He explores everything from sonic branding to cartoon sound effects, Stradivarius violins, conlang, synesthesia, vocal discords, the list goes on! Two episodes that I particularly enjoyed are numbers 94 ‘Pew Pew’ and 105 ‘Tyrannosaurus FX’, which explore the creation of and sound effects from Star Wars and Jurassic Park. Also, look out for episode 113. ‘Sing Gently’ - probably not the best episode to paint to given it had me in tears.


Making Sense - Sam Harris

One of my more recent podcast discoveries - this sound of reason in my ear has been so welcome during these especially crazy few years on planet earth. Sam’s calm and educated insights on various social and political topics has been such a relief and comfort during the craziness of Brexit and Trump.


Creative Chaos

Created and recorded by photographer, writer and mother - Jenna Martin - this is a lovely podcast covering various topics on running your own creative business. I started randomly on episode 97 whilst on a walk during what felt like a massive creative block. The episode was titled ‘One Small Secret for Nonstop Creative Flow’, and y’know what? It friggin’ worked! I was back into it in full force that day. I’ve since gone back to the start and have been working my way through. She covers lots of interesting topics that are easy to relate to no matter what your craft, and it’s delivered in a way that feels like I’m being advised by a friend over a cuppa.



The podcast that got me into podcasts. I remember the particular episode that really got me hooked. It was a 2015 episode called ‘The Living Room’ which told the real-life story of Diane’s experience of new neighbours across the way who never shut their curtains. It was the beginning of an intimate, but very one-sided relationship which had me so emotionally hooked from start to finish. I would say the episodes aren’t as strong as they used to be (say 2020 onwards), but there’s such a solid-gold library of older episodes with investigations into this strange and wonderful world in which we live.

Ladies-We-Need to-Talk.png

Ladies we Need to Talk - hosted by Yumi Stynes

I’m not usually one for ‘girl talk’ but this ticks the boxes for me with its no-nonsense yet forgiving, thoughtful approach. It doesn’t man-bash for cheap thrills and is thoughtful, funny and sincere. We’re talking fannies, farting, fannies farting, relationships, mental health and poo…just to name a few. You have been warned. It’s great!


Lastly, a special mention for the Calm App

Ok, I know this isn’t a podcast. But I couldn’t not mention it. It’s known mainly for its meditations, but of even more value to me at the moment is its selection of music and soundscapes. Since 2017 I’ve suffered from pulsatile tinnitus in my left ear, which is a constant annoyance and I can only hope that one day it will go away. But until then, I have to put up with it and do my best to distract myself from the constant ‘whooshing’ sound. The closest sound I can think to compare it to is the sound you get if you lower the window in your car when you’re driving along a road. It’s harder to ignore the sound in quiet environments, hence why I love podcasts to paint to. But sometimes I just want to completely zone-out whilst I’m working, and that’s where the atmospheric music or nature soundscapes come in - painting bliss! I love this app!


Playing with Collage


My Art Supplies